- To buy an item on Destashery, you will need to create an account on the marketplace. When logged in to your account, you can just click ‘Buy’ on a listing and pay via PayPal.
- The transaction is not completed immediately. Instead PayPal ‘pre-authorises’ the payment amount and the seller is notified of your payment request and asked to either confirm the transaction or reject the request.
- They might reject the request if, for example, your address is not within the shipping region for that listing (in which case they may let you know what your shipping fees would be, if they are willing to ship to you) or if it turns out that the item is not available.
- The seller has three days to accept the transaction, otherwise the pre-authorisation lapses. If they do accept the transaction, your PayPal payment method (card or bank account) is charged and the seller is paid at that point.
Detailed overview:
Create your account
If you haven’t done this yet, create an account. You’ll be prompted to do it the first time you try to buy an item.
Click ‘Buy’ on the item listing.
You will be taken to a PayPal screen to issue the payment. You can either log into your PayPal account, or, if you don’t have one, pay with a credit or debit card using the ‘PayPal Guest Checkout’ form.

Transaction messages
You will be taken to the ‘Inbox’ screen which starts a transaction ‘conversation’ thread with the seller.
The message towards the bottom of the screen indicates that the payment has been authorised and that the next step is for the seller to accept the order request.
There’s also a ‘reply’ box where you can send a message to the seller with any questions.

You will receive a notification that the seller has accepted your order request and received payment. You’ll also get an email receipt (and usually a separate confirmation from PayPal if you have an account with them).

Completing the transaction
The seller will ship the item to you. You then have the option to mark the transaction completed, if your item is as described.
If you feel the item is not as described, or you have not received your item within the expected period, you should not mark the transaction completed. First, try sending the seller a message to discuss your complaint. If you are still not happy, you can click ‘Dispute’ in this conversation thread to alert the Destashery team to the dispute.

Give feedback (optional). The seller will also have the option to give feedback on you.
Feedback is visible on your public profile page, and if you post any listings there will be an icon indicating that there is feedback available to view on your profile.